

Forage is a free and open-access online library of employer-designed job simulations. Develop your skills and gain a real understanding of different roles and sectors by working through self-paced modules, tackling tasks that mirror what you’d do if you were a real employee for that company.

During the program, you will work through a set of materials and tasks set by the company, which are designed to replicate the sort of work that you would undertake as an intern or graduate. All of our programs are self-paced ensuring that you can fit your participation flexibly around other commitments.

Our programs are completely free and have open access for students, and there are no lengthy application processes to complete one of our programs.

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Career Quizzes:


Career Quiz for Students

Deciding what career path you should go into can feel completely overwhelming. So many aspects can affect what career you choose...

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The Ultimate Career Aptitude Test for Students

It’s much easier to do a job you’re good at. But how do you know what career matches your strengths if you don’t even know what strengths you have...

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Personality Career Quiz

Finding the best career for you involves multiple different factors: what you’re interested in, what you’re good at, what industry you want to work in...

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‘What Is My Passion?’ Quiz: A No-Stress Way to Learn What to Do in Life

We’ve all heard that if we love what we do, we won’t feel like we’ve worked a day in our lives. But how can you figure out what career...

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‘What Should I Go to College For?’ Quiz: 17 Questions to Find the Right Major

Going to college is exciting, yet choosing a major can feel stressful. The best major for you is a mix of interests, skills, topics you like...

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Keep Saying ‘I Don’t Know What to Do With My Life’? Take This Quiz

If you’re saying, “I don’t know what to do with my life,” you’re far from alone. Honestly, I’m still trying to figure it out...

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Career Quiz for Teens

If you’re a teen stressing about your career, you’re not alone. Job search anxiety is creeping up much earlier than it used to and, unfortunately, for good reason...

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How to Choose a Career: 6 Steps, Plus a Free Quiz

Don’t know how to choose a career path? You’re not alone. We work for over a third of our lives (if you don’t believe us, check how many work hours are in a year), so...

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What Tech Job Is Right for Me?

So, you know you want to go into technology. Maybe you were the kid who always took things apart just to see how they worked, or maybe you’re the whiz...

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8 Steps to Answering “What Should I Do With My Life?” (Plus, a Free Quiz)

“What should I do with my life?” isn’t the most straightforward question to answer, especially if you’re a college student with your entire professional career...

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